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if you were a super hero what powers would you have and why?
i wouldnt have a power i would just kill all the white men.

do you prefer dial up or cable connections for your internet? 
Its all about the t3 connection 

whats your favorite levines song?
you dont know simon b-otch

who are your favorite bands?
the ramones, nwa, old mans child, afi, misfits, pink floyd, the sly caps, sugar hill gang, and grand masta flash 

what size shoe do you were? 
10.5 circa jamie thomas limited edition. 

whats your favorite value meal from mcdonalds? supersized? 
screw value meals im down with 2 McChickens and a 42.oz dr.pepper.

whats your favorite thing to buy from a gas station? 
a bottle

whats your political party preference? 
im with the alien party

should we bomb iraq or north korea first?

is tupac really dead?
yeah and so is hitler

who annoys you more, britaney spears or avril lavigne?
i dont get annoyed

which one would you make out with without a relationship?
the question is which one would make out with me

if offered the opprotunity would you work at victoria's secret?

why do you think tony levine really goes to eat at hooters?
his name is TONY T

does the lochness monster really exist?
only to president GEORGE W. BUSH

women or football? 

have you ever taken midol headaches? 
i dont get headaches

whats your favorite five cds right now?
1. old mans child - in defiance of existance
2. the ramones - self title
3. compilation cd - nevermind the sex pistols heres the tribute
4. pink floyd - dark side of the moon 
5. misfits - static age