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 suburbian nites 

sun went down the guards put the shackles on
the prison is crowded liberations gone
pop culture has enslaved the american mindless
entertainments the culprit and parents are blameless
spare me your arguement, spare me your defense
spare me rebuttel, cuz i see the pretense
you show me denominators, you show me statistics
ive blocked out your voice, ive become sedistic
prisons all around in the suburbs
nite time falls and the convicts come out
prisons all around in the suburbs
we need a new rehabilitation route
lifes not a drama, and the tube plays no role
seen your arguement, but theres too many holes
this lifeless object has become the zombies master
the technologically advanced are desensitized faster
who controls what they see and who can shut it down?
who doesnt have the guts because youve become bound?
wake up to a renaissance, wake up from your other face
tear the walls down and be liberated from this place.
its harded to see from the inside looking through
the bars and were all looking back at you
cuz we can see the problems and know we need a solution
how do we air out all their mental pollution?
they cant see, they cant look outside
they cant open up, their closed minds
take a step back, take time to review
take an objective to be renewed